connecting hearts


Websites for Adoption Professionals: Connecting Hearts Adoption Services

Amy came to us with a curiosity.

She wondered if she was getting her money’s worth working with the SEO + Website agency who had been handling her marketing and website development for years. It was a pretty big check to write each month, but if the work they were doing was driving traffic to her website then it was worth it, wasn’t it?

We had an answer.

She was flushing money (and time!) right down the you-know-where. She was paying for expensive SEO services while the agency was absolutely ignoring biggest asset- her website. Her website ignored every basic foundation of SEO- it lacked even rudimentary headlines, had insufficient body copy, lacked Google-approved page structure and format, and had almost no internal or external linking. We worked with Amy to re-write her website copy, and the reorganize it in a way that made sense to both a site visitor and Google. We built-in the functionality she needed, and then launched the website and waited to see the results.

We had a call from Amy six months after her website launched. She called to thank us- she said she’s never been so busy, and was so grateful to take the money she had been paying the other firm and reinvest it in into other areas of her business. We’ve loved partnering with Amy, and it’s safe to say she loves us back!

Branding / Website Design / Print Media / SEO / Social media

holly avenue designs connecting hearts adoption services website design
holly avenue designs connecting hearts adoption services website design

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holly avenue designs connecting hearts adoption services website design
holly avenue designs connecting hearts adoption services website design
holly avenue designs connecting hearts adoption services website design social media
holly avenue designs connecting hearts adoption services website design
holly avenue designs connecting hearts adoption branding business cards
holly avenue designs connecting hearts adoption services website design